
mino ceramic’s mission

We strive to innovate new and unparalleled technologies.

We pledge to provide valuable products and services
that contribute to the advancement of the industrial sector.

We dedicate ourselves to growing our business enterprises
in a sustainable,eco-friendly manner for the mutual benefit
of our clients and the societies they serve.

MINO CERAMIC has celebrated its 100th anniversary on August 14th, 2018. In order to articulate our company’s aspirations for the next 100 years, we have set forth our intentions in the following mission statement:


mino ceramigroupoli

  • proactivity

    We confront difficulties head-on and act decisively to tackle challenges.

  • sincerity

    We keep our word and treat our customers as we would want to be treated.

  • synergy

    We help, trust, and inspire one another in the pursuit of improving productivity at work and increasing added value of products and services.